NEWS 101 E - page 31

The relatively largeeyeof thenew caecilianworm fromPeru is clearlyvisible.
representativesof thisgroup inEuropeand
in addition there is little to recommend
their maintenance in the terrarium, as the
underground, like earthworms. There are
undoubtedly peoplewho like to lookwith
rapture at an empty, earth-filled terrarium
and whisper quietly, “Those are my
caecilians in there!” But such folk are very
thinon theground.
Theaquaticmembersof the family, ie those
that live in water, are somewhat more
attractive to keep. They are not at all as
secretive and produce live young, which
makes them easier to breed. The main
problemswithmaintaining thesecreatures
are their constant molting and mucus
production.Thispollutes thewater andcan
sometimes lead to fatal fungal infectionsof
the skin of the caecilian. But powerful
filtration isn’t an option, as the caecilians
can be easily sucked in and suffer serious
injuries in the process. Hence the best
method of filtration is with filter matting
anda lotof air.
The identityof thenewcaecilianworm isat
present unknown. However, there are
various indications that it may be
Typhlonectes compressicauda
, a species not
previously imported.
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