About us

Aqualog animalbook GmbH was founded in 2009 by merging Aqualog (est. 1995) – the established specialist publisher for aquarium and terrarium literature – and animalbook (est. 2001), the book wholesaler specialized on pet trade.

Both companies were firmly rooted in the pet industry even before the merger; ever since we enjoy close cooperation’s with experts, associations and basically all aficionados of aquariums and terrariums as well as all pet friends in general.

Cutting-edge! Profound! Versatile!

The best of both world’s: Print meets digital

Aqualog Konzept 2016Due to more than 20 years of market presence and all involved negative but mainly positive experiences, we were able to develop products perfectly adapted to our customers’ needs. The various interesting and successful products in our portfolio always focus on the benefits of our customers; this can be the hobby fish or reptile keeper and the pet trade as well – there’s an optimal solution for everyone:

Aqualog.de – Relaunch 2016

August 2016 we launched our completely revised web portal Aqualog.de which offers up-to-date articles with a focus on new discoveries, imports and the presentation of fish keeping in its dazzling array. New products are presented, there are regular prize games and surveys and finally Aqualog’s primary vision is about to come true, for every fish a picture!

That’s why we are establishing one of the largest, scientifically supervised fish databases in the world. That’s our free of charge contribution to preserve the hobby we love most.

Aqualog NEWS – The Bookazine

The newly designed News Bookazine is the perfect combination of book and magazine. This high-quality Bookazine contains more than 140 pages of concentrated information, hence it’s a must-have for all fish-keepers, reptile lovers and vivarium owners.

In the beginning, there will be a German edition only. However, we are looking forward to be able to have an English edition, print or online, in the future.

Solutions for retailers

The completely revised Labels V3 Software is a fully developed and efficient solution to produce labels for your shop and give this information to your customers. The system is based on 3 components: Label, group profile and QR-Code. For more information please check our Merchant Microsite!