Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser!
First place
This guppy sport is a real wonder regarding the coloration. We obtain the fish from Sri Lanka. The basic type is a tuxedo, eg light anterior body, black posterior body. The caudal fin is of the sunrise type, which means that it is yellow at its base and becomes red towards the border. In each individual the sun has risen at a different stage. All over the body is a metallic coating which shines bright green to blue, depending on the light.
These guppys are very healthy and undemanding. One should keep them, like all guppys, in groups formed of 5-10 males and 3-4 females. In such groups the males are courting the whole time through for the females. The latter seem to be watch all this quite unimpressed, but finally they mate with the male that did the best job – at least in the femaleĀ“s opinion.
Second place
For the first time ever we have this beautiful species of shark in stock. Of course it belongs to the barb family, but species of several barb genera that have a similar body shape, are commonly called “shark” in the hobby. In our fishhouse it got the nickname “top-model-barb”, for it is very pretty, but looks also very skinny. However, Cyclocheilichthys janthochir is neither fastidious regarding food, nor uptight in any other way.
The species originates from the island of Borneo, where it occurs in typical black water. The maximum size reported is around 20 cm. Currently our specimens are 5-7 cm long. Each centimeter the fish grow they become more beautiful, for the fins become more and more red.
Cyclocheilichthys janthochir is a very peaceful schooling fish and for sure an enrichment for any large community tank.
Third place
This beautiful killi is only very occasionally available as German bred. They are descendants from the population from Lagos (Nigeria). Our fish are large, full in colour and very pretty. This species is suitable for community tanks with peaceful, small fish (barbs, tetras, catfish etc.).
Fourth place
Finally we were able to import once more the most beautiful species of tiger perch, the Indonesian Tiger Fish. These large growing predators can reach a maximum length around 50 cm and are wonderful show fish for large aquaria. But our imports are still young, 4-6 cm long.
There are two populations of this perch, one originating from the southeast Asian mainland (the Chao Phraya and Mekong basins, this population is sometimes regarded as a separate species, D. pulcher) which has invariably 5 bars, while specimens from Indonesia have an individually variable number of bars. Both have in common the double bar on the tail.
It is fascinating to observe how fast the fish can change their coloration. When the fish are in a cool mood, they show the typical dark bars on a light ground. When the fish are upset – for example on hunt – they become very dark within a glimpse. Even small tiger fish prefer other fish as food. The feeder fish are hunted by swimming after them or by lying in ambush. When the latter tactic is chosen, only the light blaze discloses the hunter. The remaining body melts optically with the background.
Fifth place
Finally we were able to import once more this charming dwarf cichlid. The fish was known in the hobby under the name of Laetacara sp. “Buckelkopf” ( = humphead) before the scientific description. For more informations, please click>>here<<.