Blog EN

A new Snowking Pleco

liposarcus juv2
With four species currently described, the genus Liposarcus is fairly easy to summarize. L. multiradiatus and L. pardalis are sometimes available in the hobby under the catch-all name “Plecostomus”. They are relatively unremarkably colored, grow very large (around 50 cm),...
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That’s hardness for you, part 2

In the first part of this series we introduced you to the chemical basis of what is termed the “hardness” of water. If you have misplaced the issue (News 104) and are unable to refer to the article, that is...
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Thanks to comparative anatomy we nowadays know a fair amount about phylogenetic relationships in the animal kingdom. Some of it is confusing. Who would think on seeing a Rock Hyrax, an animal that looks like a plump marmot, that they...
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Europe’s holy snake

holy snake
Aesculapius was the god of healing, or more accurately a demigod, as he was fathered by the god Apollo on the mortal Coronis. Hence Aesculapius was himself mortal and was eventually killed by Zeus, the mightiest of the gods, because...
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Water hardness is one of the most important chemical parameters in theaquarium. Because water hardness is also of great importance outside theaquarium hobby, everyone ought to be aware of how it affects us. Hard water - soft waterSo where do...
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During Christmas time everybody is busy with christmas preparations.Nevertheless you shouldn't forget to feed the fishes or even the regular filter maintenance. Aquarium filters have three important tasks to perform:1. Mechanical pre-filtering2. Providing an optimal environmental for the filter bacteria...
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The witching hour in the aquarium

These fishes really do exist! Their full common names are even more bizarre: the Black Ghost Knifefish and the Brown Ghost Knifefish. Yet these English names seem singularly appropriate for these uniquely elegant creatures, which glide through the water with...
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Welcome to the new Aqualog portal! OurBlogoffers news and interesting articles by Frank Schäfer and further experts of fish and reptile keeping. As usual all issues of theNEWSare available as download.In addition, we introduced theZeitschriftenservice! This feature allows to order...
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Fugiat Nulla Pariatur

Fugiat Nulla Pariatur
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed metus sem, adipiscing sed pulvinar et, hendrerit nec est. Nunc et diam sem. Nunc faucibus mollis ante, eu vestibulum est blandit in. Cras quam elit, vulputate vel euismod et, auctor quis...
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