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Top-imports Mai

Top Imports Mai
Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser! First Place Corydoras robustus This cory belongs to the largest and most attractive species of Corydoras at all. They can reach a total length of 9-10 cm. Both sexes develop long, filamentous dorsal...
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Top-imports April

Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser! First Place Heros cf. efasciatus "Red Shoulder" We received wonderful wild collected specimens of this extraordinary species from Peru. Currently the fish are 9-12 cm long. Experts are still debating whether these fish...
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Top-imports March

Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser! First PlaceCampylomormyrus compressirostris Currently only very occasionally importations from the DR Congo appear - mainly due to the unsatisfying flight situation. So it is highly appreciated that we finally were able to import...
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Thanks to comparative anatomy we nowadays know a fair amount about phylogenetic relationships in the animal kingdom. Some of it is confusing. Who would think on seeing a Rock Hyrax, an animal that looks like a plump marmot, that they...
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Top-imports february

Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser! First PlacePanther crabs from Sulawesi The Panther crabs (Parathelphusa pantherina) are for sure the most attractive of all freshwater crabs. They originate from Matano lake in Sulawesi, where they can be also found...
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Gorgeous gobies

The gobies are the most species-rich group of fishes in the world. The vast majority of species live in the sea, but there are also numerous freshwater species. The gobies also include some of the smallest fishes on Earth, and...
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Top-imports january

Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser! First Place Finally we were able once more to import this pretty dwarf cichlid (males become 7-8 cm long, females stay 15-25% smaller) from Nigeria. Before its official description under the name of...
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